What's the best single malt scotch? That's really up to you and your tastes alone. But if you want to see what we think, we've tried a whole lot of them.
Whether you know what makes a bourbon a bourbon, or if you're just starting out, we've got ratings and tasting notes on stuff from Kentucky to California.
Firstly, because most people use our site just as we intended it: as a repository of important whiskey information, and an easily sortable and searchable whiskey database.
But also, the whiskey scene has changed, particularly with the explosion of bourbon’s popularity. Braggadocio has come to dominate so much of online whiskey that we don’t want to seem like we’re trying to contribute to that. We think that sharing and tasting is more important than showing off. So while we continue to meet regularly, we keep more to ourselves about it nowadays.
Ratings and reviews will always keep coming, because we feel that provides a good public service... and because they're fun to do! Cheers all and DRINK WHISKY!
LAWS® is a private club but a public resource. We buy vintage whiskey and spirits, then taste and review them for our public database. Eighteen years of experience have made us leading experts in the authentication and valuation of rare bourbon, single malt scotch, and other liquor.
Finding an excellent, readily-available whiskey is a rarity and a challenge these days. Typically these still come along in the form of single casks, but they vanish from shelves so quickly that it's not fair to call them ... More
The Latest Must-Try Whiskey is automatically selected by meeting all these criteria:
The latest whiskey newly-reviewed by a member who rates it A- or higher.
Average rating of at least A-.
Currently obtainable from retail stores in the United States.
Generally not over $300.
A recently released bottling, at least somewhat.
The notes displayed in the must-try area are always those from the member giving the highest rating to that particular whiskey, with the tiebreaker going to the member with the most notes overall.