
Baker's Pure Rye 1847
The World's Oldest Whiskey


A handmade

Baker's Pure Rye Whiskey 1847 is the official Guinness World Records holder for the oldest whiskey in the world. It is the only existing whiskey provably distilled and bottled prior to the end of the American Civil War.

Rye whiskey is "the" original American whiskey. Read on to learn all about the bottle, what's inside, and how it was authenticated, with tidbits of whiskey history throughout.


Next Page: The Brand >>

NOTE #1: In Sept. 2023, WhiskyAuctioneer announced a supposed 1833 whisky "discovered" at Blair Castle in Scotland. We immediately identified major erorrs and problems in their assessment, contacted the auctioneer, and their publicity was revised and retracted. See Blair Castle whisky report.


NOTE #2: In June 2021, Skinner Auctions in Boston tried to sell a whiskey they assessed as "late 1700s." After LAWS debunked that claim (it exploited a common scientific quirk and some powerful PR) the buyer reportedly backed out of the sale. The detailed report exposing the Ingledew is here.


 Special thanks for their invaluable knowledge and help:
Darrell Corti
Chuck Cowdery
Todd Holmes
Bill Lindsey
David Othenin-Girard
David Robertson
Steve Ury

With credit to the works of:
Chuck Cowdery
William R. Johnston
Sam Komlenic
Bill Lindsey
John Lipman
Fred Minnick
Reid Mitenbuler
Clay Risen
Mike Veach
...and other chroniclers of history as noted. 




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