Flask Liquor
12194 Ventura Blvd
Studio City, CA 91604
(818) 761-5373
Member Reviews
Chris NOT RECOMMENDED!!!  Overall, this store has the highest prices I've seen anyplace.   There were a few interesting high-end bottles, but you can get them all online for $100 cheaper.   And the $325 price on A.H. Hirsh 16 Year is just robbery.   I've heard that the distributor is charging a lot for this latest release, but on top of that they've marked it up more than anyone else.  And again, go online and save yourself $225.
Adam I'll add that one of the main guys there is a complete dick.  On the few times I've stopped in to browse, he's always gruff and irritable.  Finally, on one visit I want to buy something -- a bottle that I know generally retails for about $600.  Here's what happens:

I say, "Oooh, what's the price for that Ardbeg Provenance?"  It was in their glass case, so you couldn't see.

Mr. Grumpy looks me up-and-down, and says, "Seven-hundred."

So I ask to see it -- and what do you know?  The price tag on it reads $650.00

Apparently, I qualified for the I Do Not Like You Price Increase.  

Or perhaps it was some sort of other discrimination I haven't heard of.  Either way, these guys go in the "YOU SUCK" category along with Almor Wine & Spirits for acting like unprofessional jerks.
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