This had some mild sherry in the nose, a little dried fruit, mint. Some apricot and sugar sweetness on the palette. BUtter, sugar, raspberries. Finish goes to coffee grinds.
Nice sherried malt with some grassy/hay earthiness that comes forth in the finish. Better than the 12 year and not much more expensive. A solid Sherry to have in the cabinet.
n: Red Jolly Ranchers, vanilla cake batter, ripe bing cherries, and a bit of dark chocolate. Raspberry Jello-O topped with whipped cream.
t: Nice malt with a sherry & oaky influence, but light and on the candy side. Mid-palatte is thin and mostly of red fruit candy and a slight sour note fades to warm tobacco leaf and Fig Newtons. Finishes malty and dry with a little spice. [C+/B-]
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