Best Hangover Cure and Prevention

Hangover treatment is about preparation in advance. There is no "hangover cure," but the following can make a hangover much less severe.
ZBiotics is the product we most strongly recommend. Quaff one of these before drinking, or up to an hour or so before. (We're not shilling for this company. We don't know them and don't interact with them except for placing orders).
We've come to rely on this product. To what degree it helps depends on how much you drink (duh), but we think that hangovers are noticeably reduced from what you'd expect.
Aside from ZBiotics, you can up your game with any of the following:  
PRIOR to drinking:
5 hours before: take 2-3 capsules of prickly pear cactus.
Shortly before: eat 2 Zaca tablets
DURING drinking:
Stay hydrated, but you don't have to be excessive about it. Just don't dehydrate
AFTER drinking: 
Take 2-3 Cheers capsules.
MORNING after:
Sleep in if you can! Your body needs time and rest to recover.
Eat two Zaca tablets.  
For rehydration/electrolytes, we like DripDrop or RecoverORS.
If you want to add even more:
2 hours before drinking: take 2 borage oil softgels.

Please read the labels and warnings on these products, and check with your doctor for any interactions. This page is based on our members' personal experiences and is for informational purposes only. LAWS nor any of its members endorse, guarantee, or otherwise attest to the safety of these products or the efficacy you may personally experience. Please drink responsibly.
This guy wakes up feeling great and refreshed! No hangover!

Nobody asked us to test or endorse the products above and we have no connection to them. The links do help cover a miniscule portion of our server costs through Amazon's affiliates program. This does not increase product pricing.
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